Posted by Orin Kerr:
David Kris To Be Nominated to Head National Security Division of DOJ:

   According to the[1] Legal Times Blog, President-Elect Obama is
   planning to nominate David Kris as the head of the Justice
   Department's National Security Division. Bravo. Kris is a lawyer's
   lawyer and one of the world's foremost subject-matter experts in
   national security law. He literally wrote the book, or at least
   co-wrote it: His treatise,[2] National Security Investigations and
   Prosecutions, is an extremely impressive work. Plus, Kris has great
   deal of practical experience in the area: He was the Associate Deputy
   Attorney General from 2000 to 2003, where he supervised the
   government's implementation of FISA and represented DOJ at the at the
   National Security Council. If someone asked me who I thought should
   head the DOJ's National Security Division, I would probably have named
   David Kris. Kudos to President-Elect Obama for an inspired pick.



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