Posted by Eugene Volokh:
The First (?) Post-*Heller* Case Holding a Gun Control Law Unconstitutional:

   That's [1]U.S. v. Arzberger. The gun control law is the part of [2]18
   U.S.C. � 3142(c)(1)(B) that requires that when someone is charged with
   possessing child pornography (among other crimes) and is freed on
   bail, he be ordered not to possess any firearm. Here's the discussion
   by Magistrate Judge James C. Francis IV (of the Southern District of
   New York) (some paragraph breaks added):

     A year ago, I might well have taken for granted the authority of
     Congress to require that a person charged with a crime be
     prohibited from possessing a firearm as a condition of pretrial
     release.... [But, given D.C. v. Heller, t]o the extent ... that the
     Second Amendment creates an individual right to possess a firearm
     unrelated to any military purpose, it also establishes a
     protectible liberty interest [for Due Process Clause purposes].
     And, although the Supreme Court has indicated that this privilege
     may be withdrawn from some groups of persons such as convicted
     felons, there is no basis for categorically depriving persons who
     are merely accused of certain crimes of the right to legal
     possession of a firearm.

     Again, the next step in the analysis is to apply the Mathews v.
     Eldridge balancing test. The private interest at stake is
     paramount: the right to possess a firearm is constitutionally
     protected. In Heller, the Court made clear that there is no
     hierarchy of constitutional rights: "[t]he very enumeration of the
     right takes out of the hands of government -- even the Third Branch
     of Government -- the power to decide on a case-by-case basis
     whether the right is really worth insisting upon." The remaining
     Mathews factors play out much as they did in the analysis of the
     curfew requirement.

     First, there is a serious risk that, in the absence of an
     individualized determination, an accused person will wrongly be
     deprived of his Second Amendment rights. Indeed, the Government may
     well find it difficult to articulate a nexus between an accusation
     of receiving child pornography and the need to prohibit possession
     of a firearm. Second, providing the defendant with an opportunity
     to be heard with respect to the appropriateness of this condition
     would reduce the potential error rate without creating a
     significant burden. And, finally, the Government's interest in
     ensuring the safety of the community would not be undermined by
     requiring an independent judicial determination of the danger
     caused by the defendant and the efficacy of the proposed bail

     Accordingly, the Adam Walsh Amendments [the name of the statute
     involved here -EV] violate due process by requiring that, as a
     condition of release on bail, an accused person be required to
     surrender his Second Amendment right to possess a firearm without
     giving that person an opportunity to contest whether such a
     condition is reasonably necessary in his case to secure the safety
     of the community. Because the Amendments do not permit an
     individualized determination, they are unconstitutional on their
     face. The Government's application to impose as a condition of bail
     that Mr. Arzberger not possess a firearm is therefore denied....

     [Footnote:] The determination that the mandatory imposition of each
     of the conditions requested by the Government violates procedural
     due process does not preclude the Government from renewing its
     application provided that it is prepared to proffer a basis for
     requiring any or all of these conditions in Mr. Arzberger's
     particular circumstances.

   This is formally a Due Process Clause holding, but it rests on a
   conclusion about the Second Amendment. Recall that the Due Process
   Clause (sometimes) entitles people to hearings only when there's a
   legally relevant factual dispute to be resolved. Persons "[3]who
   assert a right to a hearing under the Due Process Clause must show
   that the facts they seek to establish in that hearing are relevant
   under the statutory scheme," or are made relevant by the Constitution.

   If Congress were constitutionally allowed to ban all gun possession by
   people who have been indicted for possessing child pornography,
   whether or not those people are found to pose a special risk of gun
   violence, then no hearing would be required. That's why the excerpt I
   quoted begins with the sentence "A year ago, I might well have taken
   for granted the authority of Congress to require that a person charged
   with a crime be prohibited from possessing a firearm as a condition of
   pretrial release." If Congress could categorically do this, then
   there'd be no factual issue to resolve at the hearing. All the
   evidence in the world that this person is unlikely to pose a danger of
   gun violence will be irrelevant under the statutory/constitutional

   The hearing is required only because at least some such indictees
   still have the "constitutionally protected" "right to possess a
   firearm" -- presumably those indictees as to whom "such a [no
   firearms] condition is reasonably necessary in [their] case[s] to
   secure the safety of the community," which is to say those who don't
   pose any special risk of misusing their guns. (I say "special risk"
   because obviously just the general risk that any gun owner may misuse
   his guns can't be enough: If it were, no hearing would be needed,
   since such a risk is present for everyone.)

   In any case, this is an important decision, though just from a
   magistrate judge. For other cases in which the Second Amendment has
   been relied on in a claimant's favor, see [4]here, [5]here, and
   [6]here. But none of these cases involved a holding that a gun control
   law was unconstitutional, even as applied to a particular claimant.

   For other views on gun possession by indictees, see State v.
   Winkelman, 442 N.E.2d 811 (Ohio Ct. App. 1981) (upholding a
   categorical ban on gun possession by indictees, though noting that it
   imposes only a �temporary limitation,� with provision for relief
   �[s]hould the temporary limitation work an undue hardship upon the
   indicted party�), overruled on other grounds, State v. Frederick, 1989
   WL 80493 (Ohio Ct. App.); State v. In, 18 P.3d 500, 503 (Utah. Ct.
   App. 2000) (also stating that such a ban is constitutional, but
   without a detailed explanation). Compare State v. Spiers, 79 P.3d 30,
   34-35 (Wash. Ct. App. 2003) (ambiguous on whether a categorical ban on
   gun possession by certain kinds of indictees was constitutional, or on
   whether such a ban was constitutional when there was a finding that
   the indictee �poses substantial danger�).



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