Posted by Orin Kerr:
Greenhouse on Roberts and Race:

   In [1]an essay comparing John Roberts and Barack Obama, Linda
   Greenhouse makes a link between Roberts' career success and his
   approach to the constitutionality of affirmative action:

     Doing well in all the right places � a huge achievement but in some
     ways a career path without risk to a sense of identity � offered
     great rewards and appears to have left [Robert] with few doubts
     about how the world works, or should work, if his legal writings
     are the measure. �The way to stop discrimination on the basis of
     race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race,� was his
     uncomplicated explanation in a 2007 opinion on why Louisville and
     Seattle could not constitutionally use student assignments to keep
     their public schools from resegregating after finally having
     achieved a measure of integration.

     Can anyone help me draw the link here? I can see arguing that a
   person had a lot of success in a meritocracy might have a strong
   belief in meritocracy, so much that they would oppose affirmative
   action. But as far as I can tell, Greenhouse isn't suggesting that.
   Rather, she appears to be suggesting that Roberts' success makes him
   overconfident, and that his overconfidence leads him to uncomplicated
   (which I think it's safe to say here means "overly simplistic") views
   of hard constitutional problems. But it's hard to see how Roberts'
   view of the constitutionality of affirmative action supports this:
   Justice Thomas has the same view, and I don't think Justice Thomas's
   life has been a story of constant success that left him with few
   doubts about the world. Maybe the idea is that Greenhouse is so
   strongly in favor of affirmative action that someone who thinks it is
   simply unconstitutional must have a quirky life history to explain it?
     Finally, in light of the recent articles comparing Obama and
   Roberts, ranging from Greenhouse's in the New York Times to[2] Dahlia
   Lithwick's in Newsweek, I should flag [3]my own post drawing this
   comparison back in August.



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