Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Sunday Song Lyric:

   Oh that Britney Spears sure is clever. Her current single, [1]"If U
   Seek Amy" isn't really about a woman named Amy -- or at least the
   chorus isn't.

     Love me hate me
     Say what you want about me
     But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to
     If you seek Amy
     Love me hate me
     But can't you see what I see
     All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to
     If you seek Amy

   Get it? The Parents Television Council did, and [2]they are quite

     The PTC believes that the song, entitled �If You Seek Amy,� would
     violate the broadcast indecency law if aired between the hours of
     6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
     The song makes repeated use of the following line: �All of the boys
     and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy.�
     �This may sound Yogi Berra-ish, but Britney�s song is a
     double-entendre with only one meaning. There is no misinterpreting
     the lyrics to this song; and it�s certainly not about a girl named
     Amy,� said PTC President Tim Winter.

   Of course, as the [3]OED's Jesse Sheidlower notes, Britney's little
   trick isn't so new. There's a long history of "If You See Kay" songs,
   going back to Memphis Slim's 1963 song (though, to be fair Britney's
   song does have a little twist, using "Amy" instead of "Kay"). This
   cute little trick also appears in James Joyce's Ulysses and was used
   by other literary giants, including William Shakespeare. So, PTC,
   lighten up! Britney's just showing off her literary chops.



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