Posted by Jonathan Adler:
Sunday Song Lyric:

   [1]Depeche Mode has a new album. No, really Here's the opening of
   NME's review:

     While it�s obvious what to do when you�re too old to rock (buy a
     stool, invest in an acoustic, learn how to play �In The Pines�),
     there�s no real career path for synth-pop acts like Depeche Mode to
     follow. After all, they can�t play unplugged gigs, can they? On
     their 12th album and 29 years into their career, the Basildon
     bondage boys have switched down a gear by hunting for vintage
     synths and drum machines on eBay, imagining an alternative past
     where technology froze at some point round 1990, but their desire
     to make futuristic music didn�t.

   I'm not sure if I'll pick up the CD. I rarely listen to all the old DM
   CDs I have now, though there was a time I couldn't get enough of
   [2]Some Great Reward. The album title came from "Lie to Me," a song
   that could just has easily been about politics as seduction.

     Promises made for convenience
     Aren't necessarily
     What we need
     Truth is a word
     That's lost its meaning
     The truth has become
     Merely half-truth
     So lie to me
     Like they do it in the factory
     Make me think
     That at the end of the day
     Some great reward
     Will be coming my way

   Here's a [3]live performance. And for those curious, here's the
   [4]video for new single, "Wrong."



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