Posted by David Bernstein:
Dean Koh to State Department:

   I just received an email from Yale Law School informing me that Dean
   Harold Koh is to be nominated by President Obama to be Legal Adviser
   of the U.S. Department of State. He is stepping down as dean. Prof.
   Kate Stith will be interim dean.

   Most observers seem to think that Harvard has gained ground on Yale
   while Kagan and Koh have been the deans at these schools. In part this
   is because Kagan was an unusually effective dean, and in part because
   Harvard had "underperformed" previously, especially during the
   tumultuous 80s, when factional fighting on the faculty brought hiring
   to a near-standstill.

   Of particular interest to many VC readers, Harvard under Kagan seemed
   far more open to hiring right-of-center faculty than did Yale under
   Koh, and, from what I understand the Harvard Federalist Society
   thrived in ways that its counterpart at Yale did not.

   Now that both of these deans are leaving to join the Obama
   administration, it will be very interesting to follow developments at
   both schools. Meanwhile, congratulations to Dean Koh.

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