Posted by Eric Posner:
The Foreign Law Debate: What’s At Stake?  Part I.

   Now that Harold Koh is on his way to confirmation, it may be possible
   to discuss why some people (not me) opposed his appointment while
   others pooh-poohed their objections and accused Koh�s critics of ad
   hominem attacks. The foreign law debate is, in fact, an important one,
   with much at stake, and it deserves a better airing than it has
   received in the blogosphere so far. This is the first of two posts
   that will discuss the debate.

   First, a word about Koh himself and vocabulary. Koh has called his own
   work �transnational legal scholarship;� his opponents have therefore
   called him a �transnationalist.� Peter Spiro has given the equally
   ugly label, �sovereigntist,� to people on the other side. (Koh himself
   has called them �nationalists,� which of course has ugly
   connotations.) None of these labels are any good. Koh�s own work
   hardly exhausts or even represents well the pro-foreign law position,
   as I will call it (also not a good label but at least lacking
   pejorative overtones). Most people who take this position don�t refer
   to themselves as transnationalists, and disagree with each other about
   many particulars. What is true is that two clusters of positions have
   emerged on either side of a divide over the question how much American
   law, and in particular, American judicial decisionmaking, should be
   influenced by foreign and international legal norms. Because of Koh�s
   nomination to the state department, he has become a symbol of the
   pro-foreign law position, which he has enthusiastically celebrated
   throughout his career.

   The current debate addresses four issues. The first concerns the
   extent to which American courts should �incorporate� international
   legal norms into domestic (non-constitutional) law. The pro-foreign
   law position is that courts should interpret ambiguous statutes so as
   to conform with international law (as reflected in the Charming Betsy
   doctrine, but more systematically than courts have willing to do so
   far); incorporate customary international law into federal common law;
   presume that treaties are self-executing (a part of domestic law) and
   are judicially enforceable; refrain from deferring to executive branch
   interpretations of international law; and stop ducking international
   law disputes on justiciability grounds. Together, these and other
   positions would make it easier for the political branches to create
   domestically enforceable international law, or (put differently)
   harder for those branches to avoid doing so when acting in the area of
   foreign relations, and harder for them to violate international law
   when they might otherwise want to. The skeptics prefer more limited
   interpretations of these doctrines and greater deference to the
   executive branch.

   The second issue concerns the degree to which the United States should
   throw itself into the project of �advancing� international law and
   international institutions. The pro-foreign law people want the United
   States to enter treaties and institutions even when there may be
   doubts as to whether they serve U.S. interests in a narrowly defined
   way. They want the United States to use and support international
   courts like the International Criminal Court and the International
   Court of Justice even though skeptics point out ways that these
   institutions could make and, in the second case, have made trouble for
   American interests. The foreign law people lament the American
   tendency to pick and choose among multilateral treaties, and to
   qualify U.S. commitments with reservations, understandings, and
   declarations�when much of the rest of the world is less discriminating
   (and skeptics would say, less likely to take their commitments
   seriously). For the supporters of the foreign law position, American
   leadership on these issues will advance the (somewhat ill-defined)
   international rule of law, the idea that power and violence in foreign
   relations can be replaced with reason and argument. For skeptics, this
   is utopianism.

   The third issue concerns one particular statute, the Alien Tort
   Statute, which gives federal courts jurisdiction to hear tort cases
   brought by aliens against violators of international law. These cases
   have been brought by victims of human rights abuses against security
   agents, former heads of state, and multinational
   corporations�virtually all of them involving foreigners and actions
   that occur on foreign territory. Many ATS cases are symbolic but the
   cases brought against corporations have put money at stake. Skeptics
   believe that these cases interfere with American foreign policy which,
   in the hands of presidents of both parties, has always been far more
   pragmatic, willing to deal with, rather than impose sanctions on,
   dictators and those who do business with them.

   The fourth issue concerns the use of foreign and international law to
   interpret the U.S. Constitution. It is this issue that has received
   the most public attention. In a small number of recent cases, the
   Supreme Court has ruled that certain American practices�the juvenile
   death penalty, execution of retarded people�violate the U.S.
   Constitution, and in the course of making this argument has cited
   foreign and international law that suggests that most of the rest of
   the world disapproves of these practices. Skeptics disagree with this
   jurisprudential approach.

   It is wrong to say�as so many bloggers have�that these issues are easy
   and that Koh�s critics are inventing controversies that don�t exist.
   What is true is that, so far, not much has been at stake. The juvenile
   death penalty did not have many defenders and the foreign and
   international citations in Supreme Court cases have seemed like window
   dressing, not drivers of outcomes; few ATS cases lead to money
   changing hands; and the controversies over statutory interpretation
   and federal common law are obscure. International institutions like
   the ICJ and ICC are too weak to pose a threat to American interests.
   But as is so often the case, relatively minor events can take on huge
   symbolic importance because they make especially clear or newly
   salient deep disagreements about principle that divide Americans. The
   skeptics are less concerned about the particular outcomes that have
   been reached so far, than what lies at the bottom of the slippery
   slope�which is where the foreign law advocates, by their own
   admission, want to take the United States.

   Before I get to these disagreements, I also want to address the
   frequently made claim that �mainstream� legal academics take Koh�s
   side on all these issues. This is partly true, but most mainstream
   legal thinkers have not contributed to the debate. For many years, the
   positions on the first three issues hardened as a small number of
   like-minded people wrote articles agreeing with each other. I don�t
   think there was serious debate about them until Curtis Bradley and
   Jack Goldsmith published a major article attacking the federal common
   law view in 1997. On the question of America�s role in international
   institutions, there has been a lively debate among political
   scientists for decades�just one that law professors never joined. On
   the issue of constitutional law interpretation, it�s wrong to say that
   this debate has been settled. All of the conservatives who consider
   themselves originalists, and many others as well, reject the use of
   foreign and international law for constitutional interpretation; and
   although originalism remains highly controversial, it can�t be simply
   ignored. The debate on this issue has barely begun. Finally, even if
   �mainstream� legal academics take a relatively uniform pro-foreign law
   view, it�s far from clear that their view is that of the courts and
   other �mainstream� American institutions. Indeed, the foreign law
   advocates have spent a lot of time urging the courts and the executive
   branch and Congress to take a more positive approach to international
   law than they have before; Koh has always been explicit that he is an
   advocate, not a defender of the status quo.

   In my next post, I will try to explain why these disagreements exist.

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