
    I have replaced the 3 NVRAM devices in two different 3458A meters.  I
didn't do anything to the devices other than to install sockets to make
future replacements easier when that issue comes up again.  I did not
program them or anything, just put the "blank" NVRAMS in and turned on the
meters.  I did get a lot of error messages at turn on because there were no
"calibration constants" in the devices.  But after clearing those messages
the meter worked normally, but was way off on all readings which was
expected.  I was worried that the other "limit" constants that were in the
old NVRAM would be reprogrammed into the new NVRAMS but it was all there
just all of the "calibration constants" were "0" for the most part.

    Since I have a complete set of necessary calibration equipment that is
required to completely recalibrate the 3458A I went through all of the
calibration commands with the proper standards hooked up to the meter,  CAL
0, CAL 10.0000000, CAL 10.000E3 and SCAL and whatever else was required.
When I got done both meters would power on with no problems or complaints
about "calibration needed" or whatever.

    My point here is that putting new blank NVRAMS into the meter does not
cause a "Mem test 1 high" error.  Of course you must calibrate the entire
meter or send it to HP/Agilent/Keysight or a local lab if you don't have the
necessary equipment to do the cal.

    So my guess is that you have a problem on your A5 Outguard Controller
board with addressing memory that is NOT being caused by replacing the
NVRAMS.  Or you have a problem with one of the RAMs on that board or
something.  Unfortunately HP/Agilent/Keysight did not ever publish a full
set of error messages and what they may mean and what to do about them.

    Good luck.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Phillips" <>
To: "Discussion of precise voltage measurement" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:53 PM
Subject: [volt-nuts] HP 3458A Mem test 1 hight. How do you read 32K

> Hi,
> I have removed my 32k memory chips form my 3458A. Doe anyone have an easy
> way to connect them to a windows computer. USB would be my preferred
> connection to a 28 and 24  pin socket. I would like to be able to read and
> write to the chips to validate the data.
> I have replace the chips and still get Mem test 1 High on start up.
> ​I really do not want to spend close to $3000 for KeySight to fix this.
> -- 
> *John Phillips*
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