
    The 332D has no internal batteries, CPU or other internal memory.
Accuracy is dependent upon the internal reference on the reference card and
the adjustments of the first 3 decade resistors, the three range resistors,
the reference resistor and the three zero range resistor adjustments.

    Make sure that there are jumpers installed between the "output" and
"sense" terminals (usually two flat blade jumpers).  Turn on the 332D to
"standby/reset" and then wait for a few seconds.  You should hear a relay
click, then the switch can be set to "opr".  For intial settings set the
"range" switch to 10 V, the "readout" dials to all 0s, the meter switch to
"output voltage", the "voltage trip" switch to 10 V, turn the "vernier"
control CW to full, and the "current limit" control to about 1/2 CW or so.

    Then, if everything is working, you can connect a voltmeter to the
outputs and turn up the first decade dial to a voltage.

    Have fun,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brooke Clarke" <>
To: "Discussion of precise voltage measurement" <>
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 10:46 AM
Subject: [volt-nuts] Initial Turn-On Fluke 332D?

> Hi:
> I just received a Fluke 332D from Fair Radio, but before I do anything is
there some initial checks or a battery that
> needs attention?
> Just started reading the manual.
> -- 
> Have Fun,
> Brooke Clarke
> The lesser of evils is still evil.
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