I have a 332B as well, although it's been loaned out for the past couple of years to a friend. I have the US Army manual PDF also, and have found it to be pretty complete, at least complete enough to get us through a couple of repairs.
What is missing from the manual?

The second page in the PDF has a statement that says:
"This manual is an authentication of the manufacturer’s commercial literature which, through usage, has been found to cover the data required to operate and maintain this equipment. Since the manual was not prepared in accordance with military specifications, the format has not been structured to consider level of maintenance, nor to include a formal section on depot overhaul standards. This manual contains copyrighted information that is printed with permission of John Fluke Manufacturing Company, Seattle, Washington."

From that statement, I expect that the Army manual is just a reproduction of
the commercial Fluke manual for the 332B.

Dave M

David C. Partridge wrote:
Amongst the stuff I recently acquired is a Fluke 332B (sn 4151).

I found the manual for the 332D on the Fluke website, but can't find
one specifically for the 332B apart from an incomplete US Army

I have some questions:

1) Does anyone know where I can find the matching manual

2) If not, how useful is the 332D manual?

3) It was last calibrated in 2010, and appears to be consistently low
in output (about 5mV at 100V, 25mV at 500V, 50mV at 1000V) after
being on for an hour.  Is that the sort of error I should expect
after that period?

4) I'm leery of the chopper amp, did anyone (Dr. Frank?) do a
retrofit using a modern chopper op-amp or similar?


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