
I built one of these things once when I investigated the Minato motor for Mallove.  
This is just a variant of the Minato motor, and looks to be a scam.

Minato also uses angled magnets--this allows for an impressive acceleration of the 
rotor at certain points of its cycle, but there's nothing exceptional heree.

Look at this part of your description:

>Of course, the most interesting part of the video footage comes when Brady,
>manually cranks the outer stators inwards and closer to the magnetic wheel
>assembly. The internal wheel begins to rotate, and quite rapidly.

By cranking the stator magnets closer to the rotor magnets, he's putting energy into 
the system--since the system of rotor + stator has to conserve energy, and since the 
rotor with its offset magnets is free to rotate (duuh), much of this added energy gets 
stored as kinetic energy in the rotor.  If you leave it alone at that point, it will 
continue to rotate until frictional losses eventually bring it to a stop.


>At first glance the video footage does not appear to be faked, but of
>course, that is not to say that fakery hadn’t been employed. What I’m trying
>to say is that fakery, if there is any, is not obvious. My gut feeling tells
>me the video demonstration may very well be authentic.

Oh, it could easily be authentic--there's no new physics here--it is a very nifty 
demonstration of a simple principle--cranking the stators together is like wwinding a 
magneto-mechanical spring, which makes the wheel spin.

>this device appears to be incredibly LOW TECH, almost too LOW TECH to

It is--the patent office has patents for motors of every conceivable 
configuration--like I said, this is basically a Minato motor---of the low tech 
variety--everything that some garage inventor could put together without knowing too 
much about state-of-the-art matters.  If simple low-tech magnet configuration motors 
really worked, we'd have seen it years ago.

I don't deny O-U motors are possible--this just isn't one of them.


Jeffery D. Kooistra

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