Hey Vorts...

I met Naudin and interviewed him a bit but he declined to go on record.
I know who is paying his salary though I can't disclose it. It is a major agency in France.
He was quite nervous about me talking with him and I found that interesting.
I am undecided as to whether he is a benefit or a detriment to CF.
He clearly has a very sexed-up website and makes it easy for amateurs to get their hands on CF and give it a shot.
Is this a good thing? I don't know.
Does he give sufficient and respectful credit to Mizuno? I have not spent the time to analyze his site to determine this.

My bets are the following:
1. That Naudin attracted his sugar daddy by the strong efforts he has made over the years to create his excellent web presence.
2. The people who pay his salary, who were at ICCF-11 will soon figure out who the real players, the original scientists in this game are.

Now that Naudin has made it to the big time (as far as sponsorship), I'll be quite curious if the CF dev and dissemination continues on his website.

He didn't forbid me to take his picture - so I'll have a nice mugshot of him in an upcoming newsletter.
That's about all I know about JLN.

Like Jed, I am working to dig out from data and will have stuff going up on www.newenergytimes.com shortly.

At 08:42 AM 11/8/2004 -0800, you wrote:
From: Terry Blanton (in reference of the elebaorate Mizuno
presentation, which immediate appeared in great detail on
Naudin's web-site)

> A *net* reduction in entropy?  Is nothing sacred?

Not to Naudin, that is for sure.

I am curious whether Jed  or any of the other vortex
attendees had occassion to meet Naudin?

He certainly has his "ear to the ground" like no other
free-energy researcher on the planet, and despite
allegations of being more copy-cat that creative genius
(probably he is a good helping of both), he must be
well-funded... which in France, often means that the
*bureaucracy* is somehow involved... after all, they not
only invented the term and perfected the institution to its
ultimate stage of usefulness (or "maximum emmerdement,"
shall we say)... in effect the bureaucracy is the French
national condescension to Communist ideals, which surely
would have taken root without it as an weighty
counterbalance - IOW a patronizing gesture has now become a
dominant way of life... and not a bad one... nor an
efficient one either.

Of course, "Naudin" like the more infamous and infinitely
more boring Professor Nicholas Bourbaki, could end up being
not a single person at all, but a dedicated group of
experimenters(doubtful), but ... as they say in "Private

....I think we should be told   *-)


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