Hey Jed.

You write:
>Bad idea! Robert Park is probably frantically doing the same thing right 
>now, to find the turncoat who is convinced CF is real. Whoever it is is 
>already in enough trouble. Let's not make it any worse.

Good point. Given the current political climate, the outcome was the
best that could be expected. The fact remains that the USPTO still
refuses to issue patents based on this technology, so until that
changes no commercial activity will occur. It is the case that
the log jam will break when a researcher

1) Develops a cheap, easily reproducible robust CF device ( not an
experiment, an actual functioning device ).
2) Reveals that device without patent protection, effectively giving
it away.

I think 1) will occur soon enough, 2) however is going to keep the
device out of public use for a long time to come. It could be worse.
Prometheus had his liver pecked out for years before finally being rescued
by Hercules. 



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