----- Original Message ----- 
From: "P.J van Noorden"

> We used 201 Thallium in our nuclear medicine department
> to study the perfusion of the heart.The energy emission of
> thallium is about 80 eV....
> The amounts of thallium we used was about a few nanograms.
Therefore you can
> inject it in a patient beacuse in this concentration it is
not toxic.The
> amount I used for this experiment is 1% of the amount we
inject into a
> patient.

Hello Peter,

Since this tiny amount of thallium works out to only a few
one-hundredths of a nanogram, one must suspect that this
cannot be measured reliably (by mass) on any kind of a
precision scale, so one must further suspect that you
measured it by assuming that any radioactive emission was
due to the thallium...

...but, that raises another problem.

What if the species which you measured "in the second
vessel, where you only would expect distillated water" was
NOT the Thallium? That is, it was not the thallium which had
migrated through the walls of the condenser, but instead was
Tritium, which was the ash of the adjoining CF reaction?

Tritium of course, easily is transported through most
metals, such as your condenser. I can find no reference on
the web to thallium crossing a metal boundary. Also the 80
KeV is characteristic of tritium as well as thallium, but
tritium would have a broader spread (did you do spectrometry

Although it is somewhat of an affront to Occam, you could
conceivably have witnessed both radioactive remediation (of
the thallium) and at the same time the LENR cold-fusion (ala
Claytor) of the tritium-ash variety, in this cell. But since
the total radioactive reading on your meter of the combined
two sources added up to nearly what you were expecting from
just the thallium, you assumed the simplest underlying


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