This is a form letter that is sent in response to any such question.  If the 
physicist who
was interviewed responded, that would be important.


Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Here is a hysterical message about Physics Today. Frankly I am surprised
> Physics Today responded at all. Maybe they are feeling the heat?
> - Jed
> Below is the information submitted on Dec-2-104 17:5 EST
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> realname:  Guy Richards
> username:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Telephone:  815-963-6340
> message:  I read a recent editorial in "Physics Today" journal where the
> editor was interviewing a physicist of some repute on what criteria he
> would accept the LENR/cold fusion phenomenon as worthy of further research
> and DOE funding.  The physicist replied that if the LENR/cold fusion
> community could demonstrate an input/output energy ratio of 1/10, 100%
> repeatability and economic feasibility he would recommend going ahead.
> Since I found this hurdle to be artificially high I wrote a letter to the
> editor asking him the following question: "How many hot fusion experiments,
> trials or prototypes in the last 55 years after spending hundreds of
> billions of dollars and using the best minds in the scientific community
> had even claimed to have an energy ratio of even 1/1?"
> The reply I received from the editor is as follows:"The editors and staff
> of Physics Today do not have time to answer questions like these.  Thank
> you for your interest in Physics Today."
> This just seemed to sum up the attitude of the physics community and I
> thought it worth sharing.  Closed minds, bad for science.
> Regards,
> Guy Richards

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