Edmund Storms wrote:

For the general reader, Dr Swartz has been asked on repeated occasions to submit
his paper in a form that Jed can read. He has failed to do this, preferring
instead to complain about censorship.

Specifically, Swartz should upload his paper to his own web site and then give me the URL. I will copy it. Easy-peasy!

Also, Swartz should respond to my form letter asking permission to upload his ICCF-9 paper. I cannot upload any of the ICCF-9 papers without the author's permission, per my agreement with Tsinghua U.

Nowadays, PowerPoint presentations and manuscripts in Microsoft Word format are often too large to be sent as e-mail attachments. For the last several months I have successfully been sending them back and forth to authors by uploading them to web pages. It is a convenient technique. I store all of the chapters of the book I am writing online, so that my Dragon Lady editor can view them any time, and sharpen her claws on my prose.

- Jed

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