"Johnson, Steven" wrote:

> >From: Edmund Storms
> > NRL is now attempting to duplicate this work.  This program was
> > undertaken well before the DoE review and apparently was unknown
> > to the reviewers.  If, as expected, they replicate the Iwamura
> > claims, the ball game will be over.
> >
> >Ed
> Hello Ed,
> Best guestamate as to when NRL will complete & publish their findings?

I have no way of knowing this.  I guess we are looking at about 6 months.
They want to be very sure of the results.

> Assuming the findings are confirmed and the "ball game" IS over, what is
> likely to happen next?

The flood gates open and people in the CF field become heroes and are asked
to help develop the field.  Park becomes a "believer" and criticizes the
DoE for being so slow.  Hell might even freeze over.


> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> George Holz wrote:
> > Hi Jed,
> >
> > > See:
> > >
> > > http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/IwamuraYobservatiob.pdf
> > >
> > > - Jed
> >
> > The results described in these papers show that the
> > impurity migration idea is even more ridiculous (if that's possible)
> > than before. The isotope of the starting element controls the
> > isotope of the transmuted element. Explain that by contamination!
> >
> > Is there any way we can have this information forwarded to the
> > DOE reviewers. Perhaps they may find that it is time to save
> > their reputations by admitting the obvious.
> > Duplicating the Iwamura experiment with additional starting elements
> > seems like a reasonable suggestion to the DOE as a proposed
> > experiment to improve our understanding of LENR. Perhaps some of the
> > national labs have appropriate equipment that could be used
> > by LENR researchers to speed further work. How can anyone deny the
> > overwhelming theoretical and practical significance of this work!
> >
> > Thank you Jed for obtaining and posting this material.
> >
> > George Holz
> > Varitronics Systems
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >

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