Michell Swartz,

How can you have any credibilty in this issue when you even persist in
sending HTML only to a text newslist.  You are censoring your own posts for
those like me who do not process HTML.  Do this on usenet and you'll likely
get properly flame roasted.  8^)

I'd like to see automatic HTML filters in all newslists.  HTML is just
worms waiting to happen.

At 9:39 PM 12/4/4, Mitchell Swartz wrote:
>At 05:00 PM 12/3/2004, Jed, disingenuous and deceiving as ever,
><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Edmund Storms wrote:<br><br>
><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">For the general reader, Dr
>Swartz has been asked on repeated occasions to submit<br>
>his paper in a form that Jed can read.&nbsp; He has failed to do this,
>instead to complain about censorship.</blockquote><br>
>Specifically, Swartz should upload his paper to his own web site and then
>give me the URL. I will copy it. Easy-peasy!<br><br>
>Also, Swartz should respond to my form letter asking permission to upload
>his ICCF-9 paper. I cannot upload any of the ICCF-9 papers without the
>author's permission, per my agreement with Tsinghua U.<br><br>
>Nowadays, PowerPoint presentations and manuscripts in Microsoft Word
>format are often too large to be sent as e-mail attachments. For the last
>several months I have successfully been sending them back and forth to
>authors by uploading them to web pages. It is a convenient technique. I
>store all of the chapters of the book I am writing online, so that my
>Dragon Lady editor can view them any time, and sharpen her claws on my
>- Jed</blockquote><br><br>
>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I must address this thread because unfortunately Jed
>Rothwell has not been honest again.<br>
>Despite my reluctance to waste bandwidth, Rothwell has created a new
>woven with his disingenuity.<br><br>
>&nbsp; On his censored (and misnamed) LENR/CANR website is the
>&quot;PROCEEDINGS Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion
>Cambridge, Massachusetts 24 - 29 August 2003<br>
>Papers are listed by the principal author's last name. &quot;<br>
>&nbsp; which thus falsely claims <b><u>to list</u></b> all papers
>presented at ICCF-10.<br><br>
>&nbsp; Rothwell knows this list of titles is censored, just as he knows
>it is his right to do so, but Rothwell expects<br>
>readers to believe his faux innocence when there has instead been
>confabulation and censorship on his part.<br><br>
>&nbsp; The fact is that Jed and Ed, maintainers of the long-censored
>LENR/CANR website,<br>
>simply removed our three papers' titles from the ICCF10 list, including
>two which were<br>
>on the original ICCF10 oral presenters list, because of reasons
>what appears to have been an attempt at plagiarism (addressed once here
>already).&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
>Rothwell knows this, and knows what this about,<br>
>and plays dumb, as is his right and pathetic modus operandi.<br><br>
>&nbsp; Furthermore, beyond the titles not being listed for two
>the three censored ICCF10 papers were shared on CDROM, through the
>in pdf format, and in hard copy, and by snail mail to Jed and Ed.<br>
>Jed wanted permission <b><u>to edit </u></b>the papers, and did not
>receive it<br>
>because he is not a scientist and has a history of inaccuracy.<br><br>
>&nbsp; Most objectionable about Jed's faux innocence is that this
>brought up before (like so many complaints by so many to Jed)<br>
>and yet his disingenuity continued even after this was previously brought
>and further the errors (which they could have elected to simply correct)
>were maintained at the censored and misnamed LENR/CANR website.<br><br>
>&nbsp; As noted Ed Storms and Jed Rothwell have their right to do so,
>consistent with their agenda.<br><br>
>&nbsp; Therefore, for any serious scientist or student, the papers<br>
>(and for those interested the first two were oral presentations on
>1 and day 2 of the meeting) were:<br><br>
>Swartz. M., G. Verner, &quot;Excess Heat from Low Electrical Conductivity
>Heavy Water Spiral-Wound Pd/D2O/Pt and Pd/D2O-PdCl2/Pt Devices&quot;,
>ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of ICCF-10,&nbsp; (2003). <br><br>
>Swartz. M., &quot;Photoinduced Excess Heat from Laser-Irradiated
>Electrically-Polarized <br>
>Palladium Cathodes in D2O&quot;, ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of
>ICCF-10,&nbsp; (2003). <br><br>
>Swartz. M., &quot;Can a Pd/D2O/Pt Device be Made Portable to Demonstrate
>the Optimal Operating Point?&quot;, ICCF-10 (Camb. MA), Proceedings of
>ICCF-10,&nbsp; (2003).&nbsp; <br><br>
>&nbsp;It was an honor to present two oral papers and an open
>demonstration with over<br>
>250% (excess with respect to an ohmic control) at ICCF10, so it <br>
>is useless to address the rest of Mr. Rothwell's disingenuous statements
>slickly blended with his ubiquitous ad hominem because truth to
>is like a &quot;mirrorless&quot;-attack on the Medusa.<br><br>
>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dr. Mitchell


Horace Heffner          

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