I think you all are missing the point of the missile defense system. It
is to defend us from China in 10 years, not NK now. In addition, it is a
means to keep some of the companies who support Bush et al. alive and
profitable.  As always, justification for a government action is
camouflaged by an argument that can be sold to the American people,
rather like the Iraq invasion.


Terry Blanton wrote:
> >http://reuters.myway.com/article/20041217/2004-12-17T200534Z_01_N17264117_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-ARMS-MISSILE-KOREA-DC.html<
> I don't think NK's alleged ballistic weapons are any more of a threat to
> the US than our missile defense system is to their missiles.  :-)
> Bluff and counter bluff.  I don't, however, enjoy a game of poker where
> I'm one of the stakes.

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