John Fields wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 08:42:02 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >John Fields wrote:
> >>
> >> On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 08:48:27 -0500, you wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >Dr. Storms wrote: "I think you all are missing the point of the missile
> >> >defense system. It
> >> >is to defend us from China in 10 years, not NK now."
> >> >
> >> >Possibly, however the premature deployment will inhibit only the 
> >> >irrational.
> >> >China knows it is ineffective.
> >>
> >> ---
> >> And will watch as it's made effective?
> >
> >Yes, because Chine is gaining more by buying the US in contrast to
> >taking.  We are giving China the ability to develop its manufacturing
> >infrastructure by going into debt to buy its products.  When we run out
> >of money in a few more years and need to use military power to keep
> >China from taking over countries in its part of the world, we will need
> >the missile defense to keep China from implementing a counter threat.
> >The world is not what it seems to be because our government no longer
> >holds truth in high regard.  The Cold War is not over.
> ---
> I agree.  It seems we've decided to become denizens of the swamp, but
> I was disagreeing with Terry about the deployment being premature, in
> that even if it is ineffective now, as its efficacy improves and is
> proven through testing, it will provide another more or less real
> deterrent to military "adventures" with the US as a target.
> However, with one in four of us Earthlings being Chinese, I wonder
> whether it'll matter much if/when push comes to shove...

I agree, it will not matter much.  The world has changed so that using
nuclear weapons, except by terrorists, no longer makes sense.
Cooperations do not care who wins, just so they make money.  In the
future, most decisions will be made on this basis.  Only when the
natives become restless will this approach briefly change.  In the
future, governments by the people in the US will be only a dream of the
young because whomever has the most money will be able to use the tools
of advertising to get the voters to support whatever they want. Because
the Chinese, in collaboration with the major cooperations, will
eventually have the money and will have purchased the mass media, the
average person in the US will do what the owners want, buy what they
want, and support policies they want.  Military force will no longer be
needed, at least in the First World. The Third World will be encouraged
to fight each other so that the manufactures of weapons will have a
buyer. Its amazing how fast a cynical nature has gone from being
considered a defect of old age to being just a simple extrapolation of
common-place observation.

> --
> John Fields

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