--- Keith Nagel wrote:
> Can you calibrate the neutron detector? It's
> important to
> set some kind of limits for the ( so far it seems )
> null results. Perhaps someone can loan you a cup
> of neutrons to test with....

Rather than null, I would say incomplete. Let's take
the contrarian (and optimistic viewpoint) that there
have been some neutrons but they are extremely low
energy "stirpping" neutrons.

There is no way they are going to get out of that much
heavy water, but with the approx 15 min decay time,
they can still be found long after the cell is shut
off. This has the distinct triple advantage of
allowing a detector to be placed in the cell itself,
plus it eliminates almost all other possibilities,
plus since it is now beta decay (albeit low energy)
and it allows much more flexibility in the kind of
detector, plastic scintillator or film, even a
photography light meter could be rigged up. The
traditional CD geiger counter won't work however. 

> BTW, is Bounty even _rated_ for heavy water spills?

I have it on good authority that Rosie says the
quicker-picker-upper can sop up any yellow liquid in
30 seconds; so if it is resisting, you know what to


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