revtec wrote:

>Harry Veeder
>> If you want to be considered a scientist today, and you imagine
>> a different origin of man, you dare not express it or you will be
>> branded a simpleton or a quack.
> Are you saying that the scientific establishment allows a scientist to
> attend church so long as he/she does not believe the first chapters of the
> Bible?  

Believe it, but don't express it.

> I'm thankful that I am not beholden to the scientific community.
> They don't sign my pay check and they never will.
> If the first part of the Bible is a fairy tale, then, how far into it does
> the truth start?  If the first part is a lie, then, the rest can't be
> trusted either.  The whole thing should be dumped in the trash and one
> should sleep in on a Sunday morning.  The Bible is either the word of God or
> it isn't.  It's all or nothing for me.  Anything else is hypocritical.

Not necessarily. If the bible is the word of God, then the meaning of the
bible is almost as mysterious as God.


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