I'm sorry Baron, but what!?!
The EM spectrum is as follows:
3 - 30 Hz  ELF
30 - 300 Hz  ULF
3 - 30 kHz  VLF
30 kHz - 30 GHz  Radio
  This is a wavelength of 10km - 1cm
Above Radio frequencies it is typically listed by wavelength rather than frequency.
30 - .76 micrometers  Infrared and Heat
.76 - .39 micrometers  Visible Light
.39 - .032 micrometers  Ultra Violet
320 - .1 Angstroms  X-Rays
.01 - .006 Angstroms  Gamma Rays
shielding of a cable from frequencies higher than ULF is easily accomplished by a metal conduit.
Yes, they have engineered materials which have an effective index of refraction which is negative.  What this has to do with shielding of fiber-optic cables is beyond me.  Of course, I don't believe in Scalar waves either, so you can just consider me to be a hidebound reactionary and a more or less "conventional" physicist who refuses to admit the validity of your position.

In a message dated 1/18/05 10:45:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I was talking to a physicist about photons.

Fiber optic cables, which carry photons, may be shielded from high energy smaller than light wavelengths such as emf's, by using negative refractive nano materials which have been energized to create randomly oscillating from smaller than light wave to larger than light wave force field filters wrapped around the fiber optic cables.   Some classified telephone lines that use fiber optics, have such wires wrapped around them from what I have been told to not only receive information that is smaller than light wave but to also ! jam it.  

[PDF] Optical Negative-Refraction Metamaterials, Nano-Layers and Nano ...
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"In the past few years, investigating various properties of left-handed (LH) or double-negative(DNG) media, in which both permittivity and permeability possess negative real parts in acertain frequency range, has become the subject of interest for many research groups worldwide.The first experimental demonstration of anomalous negative refraction in these engineeredmedia was conducted in the microwave regime [1]. In the near-infrared (IR) and visible regimes,however, constructing such negative-index materials encounters some challenges, mainly dueto the fact that in these frequency regimes the magnetic permeability due to the molecularcurrents in a material approaches to that of the free space, and therefore the simple scaling of! the metallic split-ring resonator SRR (which was used in the microwave regime) down to theoptical wavelength may face some related issues. Several ideas have been suggested by othersto overcome some of these challenges [2-5]."

[PDF] Plasmon modes and negative refraction in metal nanowire composites
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