Mitchell Swartz wrote:

Second, some of the very papers which contain controls and time-integration are not present
at the censored (and misnamed) site.

Well, in that case, whoever wrote these very papers should upload them somewhere else -- or submit them to The site is not censored, and the Internet *cannot be censored*. Google makes it "flat" with all papers equally accessible.

Swartz's papers are not on because he still refuses to give us copies or permission. I have only one paper from him, "The Impact of Heavy Water (D2O) on Nickel-Light Water Cold Fusion Systems," ICCF9. I asked him three times for permission to upload it. The only response he ever sent was on December 16:

"Mr. Rothwell,

   We would like to see a copy of what you have received from Dr. Li.

Please send that copy by email, in a reply to all above if possible, or at least me. If we then approve with the copy which you have, the simple answer you request will follow. Thank you.

   Dr. Mitchell Swartz"

I thought it was odd that he wanted to see a copy of a paper published in a proceedings, but I sent it to him and everyone on the list. This paper is not available anywhere on the Internet, as far as Google knows. Swartz has censored it.

- Jed

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