In reply to  Michael Foster's message of Sat, 05 Feb 2005 16:19:57 -0500:
>This is an example of how a bunch of really quite intelligent people,
>i.e., the people on this list, can launch off into something with
>potentially disastrous results.  What if the people on this list had

>That assumption is that aluminum nanoparticles would be reflective.
>Quite the opposite is true.  Finely divided metal particles are almost
>universally black.  They are also usually pyrophoric.  For example, 

A fine example of two negatives making a positive. :)
If the particles are pyrophoric, then they will inevitably oxidize in the 
atmosphere, and end up as Al2O3 anyway.
However I am generally troubled by the very nature of the thread. It is a 
continuation of the "band-aid" approach to medicine (in this case the healing 
of the planet), where I would prefer to see the actual cause of the problem 
resolved, rather than the symptoms treated.

And the real cause of the problem is the greed of those who maintain a monopoly 
over energy supply, when unlimited sources of clean energy are available in 
black projects. IOW they continue to flog oil, even though clean alternatives 
are available, simply because there is no profit in giving everyone access to 
free clean energy.

Actually that last is not true, there is a huge profit in it, but they are too 
short sighted and narrow minded to see it.
What they want is to maintain a tight grip on the primary source of energy, so 
that they can flog it off via a secondary energy carrier (hydrogen).
This is why the president places an emphasis on the hydrogen economy.
Once the latter is in place, they can quietly switch the primary source of 
energy, and no one will be the wiser.


Robin van Spaandonk

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