You have my sympathies Jed.

Although I charge for my CF book, I, like you, didn't write it to make money. Getting out the word of my book, and the subject, is a tough sell right now and I think it's all about what you said, "these people will not risk their reputations to endorse cold fusion -- or even talk about it."

My strategy has been to spend massive amounts of time contacting any and every person I know or learn of that shows some sign of interest and bend their ear a bit. I think you'll agree, this subject should be paramount in scientific and respectable circles. At this point in time, it seems like the strong interest is still clearly in the "fringe."

Regardless, I do what I can, figuring that every little bit will help and that the results will show up some day. The other part of my strategy has been to avoid preaching to the deaf, as well as the converted.


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