At 10:54 AM 2/20/5, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:
>In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Sat, 19 Feb 2005 05:16:30 -0900:
>>At 3:07 AM 2/19/5, Colin Quinney wrote:
>>>Funny you should mention *gravity wave* Jones...  :-)
>>>  Latest new February 13 / 2005. Go to test16.htm
>>>  This is *not* ULF- electromagnetic, but an "M Sensor" here recording (see
>>>graphs on page) during the Sumatra tsunami on Dec 25 / 04. More info on link.
>Quote from Part 1: Description and operating of the detector (P. Galletti
>and A. Aluigi)
>"with a constant source of light emitted by a vacuum diode"
>AFAIK vacuum diodes barely emit a feeble glow. I would hardly think this
>would be constant source of light. Also, I would expect any modulation of
>the current passing through the diode to produce a modulation in the light
>output, so the device may really only be recording electrical noise in the
>diode power circuit.

>From the pdf describing construction details it appears the anode plate is
phosphorized, and both the cathode potential and filament current are
highly regulated.  Additonally the device is temperature controlled by
heating elements  and further encapsulated in a seconadary thermionically
regulated shell.  The precison of temperature regulation quoted, 0.0001
de.g C, does not look credible, however.


Horace Heffner          

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