The book of Ecclesiastes is my favorite Businessman's handbook. It was written by the one given the most wisdom ever. He was also the richest man ever. He was also an abject failure. The book should be required reading for every MBA and leadership position because it describes Solomon's explanation of how he got himself into such a mess when he had all the money and brains to be the CEO, succeed in leadership, and still blew it.
A candid and articulate book indeed.!
The book of Job is my favorite physics handbook.Technically correct in it composition. A most overlooked scientific textbook missing from the classroom. The remarkable insight given in its pages is presented in debate form. It explains more science by NOT revealing than by revealing. It contains the ultimate joke on the reader in the question posed ....
" Tell me how I did it"?  " Were you there" ?
God is a spirit and must be worshipped in the spirit. He has set it so that no man can physically prove or disprove Him, only spiritually. He can be proven spiritually. He asks you to prove Him. There are a thousand ways.
One example: Most businesses have a bulletin board for employees notices, etc. Try placing a small "prayer request form " on your bulletin board requesting anyone that needs prayer or has someone that needs prayer
to post a request or e-mail the request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . And wait.
My old Chem prof used to say there is no disharmony between science and believing God. Think about it.


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