thomas malloy wrote:

Ed Storms responded'

Once again, we are being treated to one more example of exaggeration and BS. The Taleyarkhan cavitation work is hot fusion occurring in bubbles, not cold fusion.

I don't understand how hot fusion in bubbles differs from what the other LERN researchers are doing,

LENR describes nuclear reactions made to occur under conditions that conflict with all conventional experience and theory, while hot fusion in bubbles is normal high-energy fusion.

The rates are very low and the method would not work if power output were at commercial levels, yet this work gets attention. In contrast, Stringham has caused cold fusion to occur at near commercial levels in metals by applying deuterium to the metal using cavitation, yet this work is ignored.

It is regrettable that the physics establishment ignores this research. OTOH, once commercially feasible amount of energy are produced, things will change.

Unfortunately, commercial amounts of energy are impossible using this technique. The amount of energy generated by each bubble is just too small.

We are not being treated to dreams, but to nightmares.

Ever the pessimist

Guilty. In my defense, some times are more consistent with pessimism than others. This happens to be one of those times.



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