At 02:28 pm 27-02-05 -0500, Jed wrote:
>Frank Grimer writes:
>> I have a suggestion - but you will probably find it far 
>> too Machiavellian. I believe, and I speak from real life 
>> experience, that the best way to get people's attention 
>> is to scare the shit out of them. 

> I could frighten them if I could get their attention, 

You want people's attention?

I'll give you people's attention.

Repeat the Pons and Fleishmann experiment, only this 
time, instead of a one centimeter cube, use a 6 inch 

In EXCESS HEAT, page 36, Beaudette writes, 

Kevin Ashley was a graduate student of Pons in the 
chemistry department. He witnessed the scene the 
morning after the meltdown. "This one morning I walk 
in, the door is open and Pons and Fleischmann are 
in the room with Joe:.. The lab is a mess and there 
is particulate dust in the air. On this lab bench 
are the remnants of an experiment. The bench was one 
of those black top benches that was made of very, 
very hard material. There were cabinets under one end 
of the bench, but the experiment was near the middle 
where there was nothing underneath. I was astonished 
that there was a hole through the thing. The hole was 
about a foot in diameter. Under the hole was a pretty 
good sized pit in the concrete floor. It may have been 
as much as four inches deep.

"What really surprised me," Ashley continued, "was 
that Stan and Martin Fleischmann had these looks on 
their faces as though they were the car that had 
just swallowed the canary. The:' were clearly not 
displeased with this mess, They were happy about 
what had happened. I was rather surprised by this, 
very surprised by this."

I know how they felt. I felt exactly the same when I
inspected GRC clad buildings which were falling apart.
On one occasion at the high security Midland Bank 
Computer Building in Sheffield my glee was so manifest 
I had to explain to my minders that though they were 
attending a funeral I was celebrating a wedding.

And if buildings crumble and grad students die - tough!
When will Americans learn that success in things that
really matter cannot be bought with dollars - it has
to be bought with blood. If Brits hadn't learned the 
"blood, sweat toil and tears." lesson well in 1940s 
the Falklands would now be under the jackboot of an 
Galtieri dictatorship.

You want press attention? 

I'll give you press attention.

Start a research program to develop a CF bomb with the 
avowed intention of saving America by getting there 
before the terrorists do. You will get all the press 
attention you can handle - and then some. Probably 
get quite a lot of financial support from crazy gun 
lobby billionaires too, I shouldn't wonder. 

As for global warming, only overfed western liberals 
who've nothing better to worry about give a damn. Who 
cares whether the world lasts another hundred or another 
thousand years. We'll all be dead long before that anyway.

Cheers   ;-)

Frank Grimer

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