Good work Robin.

From their SEC filing (on their Web site)

1. Hydrogen Technology
1. Korean Patent Application No. 10-2002-0026277 "Energy Generating Device"
This patent has only been filed in Korean and has not been translated into English. The patent basically describes how the
manufactured prototype Hydrogen Energy unit works.

FWIW, as you notice, this is a patent pending. Their Web site does not say "pending." Perhaps it was granted after the SEC filing.

This too, from the filing:
2. Korean Patent Application No. 10-2002-0069231 "Apparatus for Generating Hydrogen Gas" Worldwide Patent Cooperation Treaties
(PCT) Patent No. KR2003/002395

Perhaps they may be found on the WIPO site if you have the time to look.

After spending hours searching the Korean patent database, I am
slowly coming to the conclusion that this is a disinformation

I was told about this situation by two people who are leaders in the cold fusion community over the past few days. Honestly, I am up to my eyebrows in editing the next newsletter so I've not dedicated much time to digging into this yet, but I'm happy to share my view: I'm skeptical. Optimistic but skeptical. The words Jed used to title this thread were the same I heard from an informant, perhaps the same one. We are all hoping for the day the sun will shine from the little CF jar, myself included. I think it's important for all of us to always do our own thinking, no matter which prominent U.S. theorist decides to endorse a particular commercial enterprise.

This is one of the big lessons about cold fusion: Think for your (our) selves. Investigate and assess the facts and make up one's own decision. Perhaps this is a big breakthrough. How do we know that at this time? Certainly not from their Web site. Certainly not from their SEC filing and certainly not from searches of their patents. Perhaps this is a big story and I may miss being the first to report it, but I'm sorry, I need to see a lot more.

We all remember Genesis World Energy, right? I've seen another website recently about an NGO that seems to really have their heart in the right place - but there's something weird about it, I can't quite put my finger on it. .

Back to Innovative Energy Solutions, as soon as I kick out New Energy Times #9 I'll dig deeper into this. They have a main office in Vegas. I'm not opposed to driving out there any paying them a visit. Though I was told that they have intentionally kept a low profile so as to keep their lead from larger companies who could easily overpower them with massive resources. Seems reasonable. I have a few names and phone numbers to go on. If anybody digs up anything else interesting, I'll appreciate seeing that here.  And whatever I turn up I'll kick it back to the community in New Energy Times #10. IES does seem to more transparent that GWE, posting their SEC filing and addresses and salaries of principals and such. I give them a lot of credit for that.


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