Hello David,
Very nice to hear back from you.  There are many possibilities for such a device, but investing any time into applying the technology requires a better understanding of the operation dynamics of the device; it's strengths, it's weaknesses, etc.  Having been disappointed before, I try not to get too excited about stuff like this until I have a chance to 'kick the tires' if you will.  That is my primary interest in getting a unit.
Where do you expect the price point to be on your first product release?  What is your price point goal once you establish efficient production? 
Do you publish a regular news letter to keep interested parties informed of your developments?  If so I would like to be kept in the loop.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bothwell, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:19 AM
Subject: RE: Revolution 50

I am the Director for the Energy Systems division of NanoDynamics, Inc. 


Our Energy Systems Division is responsible for the development and manufacture of a Microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, (MSOFC).  Our first product release is focused on applications requiring 50 to 300 watts of power and is capable of operating on propane.


We are weeks away from having our Revolution 50 prototype completed.  At this point we will begin Alpha and then Beta testing.


Early pre-production prototype versions of the Revolution 50 should be available sometime around the second half of this year.  As a result market pricing has not been established yet.  We are planning to have fully released production versions ready around the new year of 2006.


The current prototype unit will produce 50 watts at 12 volts and will operate for 36 hours on a 14 oz tank of propane.  The prototype system with fuel weighs less than 10 pounds, (4.4 kgs), is 12 inches high, 9 inches wide, and 6 inches deep at its widest point.  Further development will reduce the weight and volume. 


If you have applications where you would like to increase your operating run time, (endurance), and batteries are not meeting your needs then a small fuel cell could provide the power and endurance you require.


I would very much welcome an opportunity to discuss our fuel cell concept, the status of our demonstration unit, the potential for this product, and any other matters that are of interest to your organization.  If you have an application for this fuel cell I would be glad to discuss the requirements with you so that we can determine the applicability of the fuel cell as it relates to your application as well as the business marketing requirements.


Thank you for your interest.



David Bothwell


NanoDynamics, Inc.

(716) 853-4900 ext 301

-----Original Message-----
From: John Steck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wednesday, March 02, 2005 1:48 AM
To: ND Energy
Subject: RevolutionT 50



What is the current commercial/research availability of the Revolution™ 50?





  John Steck

  High Impact Product Development Services




 Quality is never an accident; it is always the

 result of high intention, sincere effort,

 intelligent direction, and skillful execution.


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