The "my God is better than your God" approach to religion disgusts and frightens me. This use of God is only a thin disguise used by one group to justify taking life, liberty, and property from another group. For example, the white race thought they had the God given right to enslave the blacks and the Germans thought they had the God given right to kill the Jews and other people, to provide only some recent examples. The use of a god justification does not excuse the actions. This attitude is so alien to the basic teachings of all religions that it is a wonder that a sane person would have the nerve to make such an argument. Christ, as well as every other spokesman of God, taught us to treat others as you would treat ourselves. This is not limited only to those people who worship our idea of God, an idea I might add that changes with time. Christians are taught that we are all made in the image of God. This concept is not applied only to Christians. We are all part of God, we are all trying to make sense of a confused message, and we all are expected to give each other a chance to learn the message in our own way. Killing or condemning other people who fail to learn our lesson or share our limited beliefs is not permitted. When hate and killing is motivated and justified by assuming that the action is God's wish, civilization breaks down and countries are destroyed. How often must these events be repeated before people learn that this approach leads to disaster. If evil exists in the would, this attitude must be at the top of the list.


Horace Heffner wrote:

At 2:45 AM 3/26/5, thomas malloy wrote:

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Horace Heffner replied

At 11:14 AM 3/24/5, thomas malloy wrote:

The idea that Yehovah, and Allah are the same entity is pure
nonsense. Ditto for the idea that Shariah is a substitute for Torah.
I thought I'd made the case adequately, but apparently I didn't.

You completely failed to address the issue and you seem to not even understand the point.

Jews and Christians worship the god of Abraham.  Islamists worship the god
of Abraham.  If it is the same Abraham it is the same god.

You believe what you want to believe.

I have suggested two propositions and a conclusion.  These things are not a
matter of my faith or what I believe.  What matters is the general doctrine
of Christians, Jews, and Moslems concerning Abraham and his one god.

I've pointed out that the two
entities have; different names, different legal systems, and the
train of human thought that they produced bore different fruit. If
you still believe that they are the same entity, you have blinded
yourself to what is obvious.

Once again you have failed to address either the propositions or the logic. Instead you again frame the problem as a matter of personal faith and attack the conclusion on the basis of what men have done in the interim.


There is only one way in which peace can be achieved when one system,
or group of people, is sworn to destroy the other. One of us has to
destroy the other. "When civilized men are unwilling to do what needs
to be done in order to maintain their existence, they will be
replaced by uncivilized men, who are willing to do what needs to be
done." I believe that this quote is from Victor Davis Hanson,
frequent guest on the Hugh Hewitt Show.

Genocide can not be the only means to peace. If anything in this world is utterly evil, genocide has to be at the top of the list.


Horace Heffner

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