Horace writes:
>Maybe there is a natural protection ( against AIDS )in the Japanese gene pool?

Actually, I think it is more due to the insularity of the Japanese
culture, along with sexual mores. Jed seems to describe Japan as some
hotbed of lust, but looking at the grossly declining birth rate I
wonder about this (grin).

OTOH, those of European descent do have a natural immunity to AIDS due to
our genes. It seems the AIDS virus infects the immune system by inserting
itself into the blood cells, which carry the virus throughout the body. 
In order to accomplish this feat, the virus needs to fit through tiny
pores in the blood cell. It happens that ~5-10% of Europeans have very
small pores, making it impossible for the virus to fit and infect.
This was discovered by analysis of gay men who survived the initial
wave of infections here in America.

How did this situation come about? Well, I'll risk being burned at
the stake for heresy, and point out that our old friend evolution had a hand
in this. It seems that the Black Plague is similar to AIDS in this
respect, requiring to fit through the blood cell pores to infect
the body. As you know, Europe was decimated by the Black Plague during
the Middle Ages. The survivors were those with the small pored blood
cells. So the concentration of such people increased from the mere .01%
or less in the general population to 5 to 10 %. No such plague occurred
in Africa, hence no natural immunity.

Horace, I think you should include in your model the fact that a cure or
vaccine will eventually be found, putting a limit condition on your
exponential growth curve. With that in mind, encouraging condom use
will substantially decrease the total death toll once the limit condition is
reached, regardless of the fact that condoms are not 100% effective
in stopping the spread of the disease. 

Your argument about
people having unlimited sex if they think it is safe is a red herring.
We can look at analogous situations for guidance, for a while in this
country we had prohibition against drinking alcohol. The result was
the birth of the first major crime syndicates and a nation of alcoholics.
Cooler heads prevailed and the ban was lifted. Now we have prohibition
against drugs, the argument being the same ( if we tell people it's OK,
they'll all do it ) and not surprisingly, we have a nation of drug addicts
and massive crime syndicates. I'll argue just the opposite of you;
if we tell people that sex is bad and will kill you, we will drive
_many_ more people to having sex than if we tell them it's OK but
they should use protection. This is basic psychology, H. Right now,
looking out my window, a group of young boys are playing football
on my street, which is a blind turn off of a major avenue. It's
just a matter of time before one is killed. A few blocks from my
place is a large park with playing fields, but they don't want to
use them. They play in the busy street _because_ it is dangerous. Make
no mistake, if I tell them to stop, they'll make a point of moving
into the avenue itself and will surely be hit. You ask, "where's mom
and dad?" Dads in jail of course ( where the heck else would dad be? )
and mom's about 1/2 my age, and I ain't an old man H. I think
you would be absolutely amazed at how most people actually live.


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