At 11:10 am 13-05-05 -0400, Keith wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> You should be aware that back in the mid 90's, _many_ people
> were encouraged by Greg to build and test these devices. I
> was not one of them, preferring my own insanity to others,
> but some are still on Vo. These devices started with Emil
> Hartman as far as I can tell, and they do work as described.
> JLN has a good collection of others work on his site,
> check there.

I had a quick look but I only saw two ramp systems.

I don't think one has to go as far as having a circle of 
ramps. If the steel ball could transit a straight line of
100 SMOTS, say, that would be pretty convincing.

> ......... Not because I doubt in the C of E, but because
> few systems are really closed to the environment.

I would go further and say that: 

    No "systems are really closed to the environment."


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