Jones Beene wrote:

Ah...Ultra high efficiency electrolysis - it is a subject that reappears at least yearly on vortex. As it is involved in CF, there are probably more water-splitters here per capita than anywhere else on the net. Between all the water and hair-splitters, we could set up a chapter of Slitters-Anonymous - 12 steps to OU recovery, so to speak.

Electrolysis is easy and cheap to experiment with, and often seems more promising at first take than later - because you can get "some" gas bubbles on a 'proper' cathode at extremely low voltage. There is a pronounced "reverse economy of scale" going on in this situation - IMHO, which is what is to be expected of ZPE-extraction, as a rule (again, very opinionated)

A few of us went to work last year trying to find OU this way - follwoing the announcement in India that Prof R. P. Viswanath of Indian Institute of Technology Madras, had been uscessful using a compartmentalized electrolytic cell - and that they have been successful splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen at a relatively much lower potential of around 0.90 V compared to 1.23V. You can do this on a small scale, but doing it commercially on a large scale is another problem altogether.

The theoretical minimum decomposition potential to split water into requires a potential of 1.23 V. but due to an assortement of reasons, a significantly higher potential is usually necessary for high-output - but the same does not apply when splitting H2O into H (as hydronium) and corresponding OH redicals as nature does that free-of-charge naturally. At the nanosecond time-scale, the formula for water is more like H(1.6)O plus intermediates than H2O.

Jones, let me suggest another reason why a voltage below 1.23 V can be used to split water. The 1.23 V value is for the "ideal" condition when all reactants and products are at unit activity, i.e. when H2O is pure, and H2 and O2 are at 1 atm. However, pure H2O can not be used because it is essentially an insulator. When extra H+ or OH- are added to make the fluid conductive, the H2O is no longer pure and at unit activity. In essence, energy has been added that has partially split the water into H and O. As a result, less energy is required as voltage to complete the process. If the energy added to the solution in making and adding the H+ or OH- is taken into account, the correct enthalpy of H2O will be obtained. In other words, an apparent OU is only caused by not taking all energy sources into account.


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