I feel I had to reply to the whole culteral relativism
issue regarding liberal and conservative issues.

I took the Dennis Prager are you a liberal test.

Per his test I answered yes to 6 out of 23 questions.

However his questions are incredibly biased, being
based on his conservative interpretation of the
outlook of certain vocal liberal institutions.

I could as easily ask are you a conservative based on
23 questions asking about how much you agree with GWB
or Dennis Miller or Rush Limbaugh.

Prager presents a caricature of liberals, rather than
a reasoned analysis.

Here in the middle of the bible belt, I am a liberal.
If I were to travel to California, I would probably be
considered a conservative.

It is not all black and white, red and blue, there is
a whole spectrum to politics and everyone is somewhere
in the middle.

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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