It seems fitting that the celebration of this holiday be mentioned on Vortex.
The hymn" America the Beautiful" has words that portray the sense of love for this nation
"O beautiful for patriot dream That sees, beyond the years, Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears".
America is more than a place, a nation, it is a dream understood by all the world. We have the challenge to keep that dream alive.
Our Constitution gives one the right to burn our flag as a protest and an act of free speech. I support their right of _expression_. I will not burn my flag because it is a symbol of more than I can express. It represents the dreams and hopes of all my family members that served our nation and that never returned from war. I owe them that deep respect.
Flawed as it may be, this nation remains the hope of the world.
To all that love the rule of law and freedom with  liberty this nation stands for.. I salute you on this 4th of July.


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