Given your finding that the filament resistance is about 1 ohm at 2000 K there is no way that more than 8-10 amps is being drawn, even at full duty. That five watt figure which Naudin is claiming is actually looking possible, if not likely, at  5% duty factor - if most of the cathode heating is provided __by the reaction__  itself, and NOT by the meager current. Would you agree? Perhaps we should not even call this electrode a real cathode, until we get the wiring schematic.
That would assume that the CMOS unit seen in the image is PNP. again, we need a schematic diagram.

Some other rough estimates (please post your suggested corrections):

If the volume of a MAHG tube is about a half liter and the vacuum
is 80 torr, then there will be rougly10e20 molecules of H2 in a
MAHG tube, about 4 milligrams.

If ZPE is being somehow cohered by the hydrogen in the tube (by a
bare proton in one theory) and the characteristic ZPE mass/energy
level for that transfer of energy is 3.4 eV (half the 6.8 eV
ionization potential of virtual Ps), and the net output of the
tube is 100 watts from 5 watts electrical input, then how many
molecules of gas are participating in the ZPE coherence reaction
per given time period, and does this reconcile with the filament
temperature which is seen?

100 Watt seconds = 6.24*e20 eV = 100 joules = 24 calories. This
would mean that every molecule in the tube was participating about
one time per second, or in any give pulse (of 50 pulses per
second), then 2% of the molecules will on average have one of the
protons go "bare" for long enough to cohere the characteristic
photon from ZPE (the Dirac epo field). To convert the
characteristic ZPE energy of 3.4 eV into the Kelvin scale of
temperature, multiply by 11,605 = ~40,000 degrees K.

Bob Fickle estimates that it would take 200 joules to heat the
filament to 2000 K - but that is assuming continuous temperature.
If the filament were cycling between 2000 K and 700 K at the 50 Hz
pulse rate than, yes the 100 joule output from the reaction (not from the input current) should seem to be  sufficient to cycle the filament to that temperature for a brief  period, as in the graphic chart on the MAHG site.

The Mean Free Path for Electrons (or H2 molecules) is harder to determine but the  number of electron collisions with hydrogen at 80 torr per linear  distance in cm = ~100 per cm/sec at 80 torr, and if are 10 amps of  flux, then one ampere is 6.24 × 10e18 elementary charges per  second, then approximately one in every 10 collisions of a  ballistic electron with an H2 gas molecule will result in a
temporary dislocation of one of the protons - which becomes
temporarily "bare" for an instant and is "replaced" by a positron
in the molecule, while "borrowing" the virtual electron from the
Ps, during this instant of time.

When the temporary dislocation is over, in a matter of
femptoseconds or less, half of the I.P. of the virtual Ps will
remain in our 3-space (3.4 eV) - which is the ZPE energy - which as
suggested takes the form of an ultraviolet photon, which is
immediately down-converted to IR heat - which is the excess heat
seen at the tube wall and at the cathode (through the abnormally
high heating effect).
Since the cool tube wall is critical, and since the
wall is sputtered, it is likely that all this OU happens within a
few microns of the wall itself and none of it happens on the so-called
cathode - which is just there to provide thermionic electrons -
which are the "instigating" particle (being transferred by the molecule as a negative ion? or not ;-)

However, this begs the question: is it possible to convert the 3.4
eV photon to electricity without letting it get first diluted down to IR
low-grade heat?

It also suggests a way to immediately improve the output - a very
high surface area at tube wall. Actually the "sputtering" itself
does this, to a degree. Maybe that is the key and that this is NOT a true anode, nor is the cathode a true cathode.
More craziness to ponder...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: MAHG update

JLN's  W Filament  2.5E-4 meter dia x 0.100 meter long
Area = (pi)R^2 x L   =    4.9E-9 meter^2
Resistance at 27 K  =   0.122 ohms
Resistance at 500 K =  0.203  ohms
Resistance at 1,000 K  =  0.508 ohms
Resistance at 2,000 K    =   1.13  ohms
Temp  K            w/m^2         Ohm-Meters          Amp/Meter^2       % H Atoms
27.00                   -- - -            0.60E-7                         - - -                         - - -
500                      100               1.0E-7                          - - - -                      - - -
1000                    6,000             2.5E-7                        - -  -                       - - -
1500                  55,200             4.04E-7                  < 1.0E-3                   - - -
2000                240,400             5.67E-7                    1.00                            0.1
2500                698,000             7.4E-7                        5,000                        1.60

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