Grimer wrote..

>It seems to me that the Crusader
Particle would be a good name for the materon/epo
since like crusaders of yore it carries a cross
(the plus sign) and a sword, the negative sign.

Not a politically correct suggestion, I know, but
in the week following the London bombings I am
getting the feeling that a showdown between the
christian west and the muhammadan east is only
a matter of time.

Cultures eminate from religious doctrines. The showdown began in 600 AD with the beginning of the doctrine of " fatalism" expounded by Muhammed. An analogy can be drawn by the story of the Muslin truck driver. Should the truck break down just over the hill on a dark road, the Muslim would leave the truck in the middle of the road. Anyone killed by crashing into the truck would be the will of Allah. However, a Christian truck driver would think.. better push the truck off to the side to avoid anyone running into the truck and killing themselves.

This simple analogy is the essence of the two cultures. One fatalistic and one hopeful. One based on evil and one on good.


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