The New York Times has an editorial today about global warming. It begins:

"A Few Degrees

By any measure, this has already been a summer of extremes. The brutality of the record-setting heat that lay over the desert Southwest for the past two weeks may have broken at last, but it has not really dissipated. . . . Life is barely tolerable in Phoenix during an ordinary summer, when the monsoons arrive on schedule. . . ."

I did not know they had monsoons in Phoenix, Arizona.

Anyway, the editorial ends: "We survive at such high temperatures only with huge expenditures of energy. Those who cannot afford the energy run the risk of death." To which I would respond: "Yo! Mr. Times! That would be all of us. Our whole civilization. And it is not a 'risk.' Death is inevitable unless we develop radically new sources of energy."

Anyway, the New York Times will never print a letter from me, but I asked Ed Storms and some others to send a brief message.

Here is a message I sent to some newspaper reporters yesterday:

The on-line German magazine Telepolis published an article today advocating a crash program to develop cold fusion to combat global warming. This is what your editorial should have said. See: "Time to act! The world needs an Apollo-type program for cold fusion":

English version:

German version:

. . .

Haiko's article is a huge contrast to the New York Times, isn't it?

- Jed

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