I wrote:

When a society feels a strong need for a tool, and the tool is technically within its grasp (meaning it does not require any fundamental new discovery), development becomes inevitable.

That does not mean we always invent things when we need them. Necessity alone is insufficient. We must also "feel a strong need." We have to agree as a society that the problem exists and it should be solved.

I think the US desperately needs better automobiles and a replacement for oil. But unfortunately, the Congress and most citizens do not agree, and they do not feel any need to address these problems. Good solutions have already been invented, such as hybrid and diesel engines. But we are ignoring these innovations. We may go on ignoring them until we are destroyed by pollution or terrorism financed from oil profits.

Sometimes, societies feel a strong need to invent things that serve no purpose, such as the ancient Egyptian pyramids or the Space Shuttle.

- Jed

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