The following paragraphs were sent to me by . They do a good job of setting out the other side of the argument.

It is now clear that and radical peace groups are
using Cindy Sheehan and Crawford, Texas, as their staging
area for a nationwide anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-troops

Let's be clear -- these groups are using Mrs. Sheehan to
push their radical agenda, undermine our President and
ultimately weaken the war effort and put our troops at

IMHO, it is a waste of time to discuss this matter. The administration is politically unable to cut and run, even if they wanted to, and they don't.

Then there is the other email I received which talked about how there hasn't been a terrorist attack on America since 9/11. Is this a coincidence? I don't think so. We're speaking to them in the language that they understand, force.

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