Sad but possibly true. We better be ready for a few hundred thousand refugees. We called the Vietnamese refugees boat people and processed them in record time because we had several thousand trusted Vietnamese troops and intelegence officers that could sort them out. Hope it works out as good or better with Iraq.

Edmund Storms wrote:

Wesley Bruce wrote:

I can agree with all of what you've said below. I'm assuming that if 'we' pull out there will be no US or Aussy air power involved. the Iraqi air force is in pieces so Syria and Iran would back oposite sides and throw their air power into the picture. Hope fully your right and things will be less lethal but I can't see how a poorly planned pull out would help. Edmund Storms wrote:

I agree, a poorly planned pullout would not be good. The same argument was applied to the Vietnam situation. However, we do not have control of the situation. We have not been able to arrange things to provide us with a good time to pullout, although we have defined the conditions needed. This was also true of Vietnam. I predict the situation will develop exactly like it did in Vietnam. The leaders will assume they can win, allow more people to die, and then pullout with their tail between their legs when the insurgents find their stride. Meanwhile, the US will suffer a serious depression that will shift popular support away from the war and present policies.


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