Michael Huffman wrote:

> Grimer wrote:
>> You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
>> My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy
>> with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if
>> one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held
>> together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse
>> sands (pF < 15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case
>> of clays, say. (pF > 15 psi).
> Moin Frank,
> So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but
> you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that
> all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is
> no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.
> Knuke

Assuming negative pressure is possible, what would that imply?


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