At 02:39 pm 24/08/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Frank Grimer,
>Last week I tried a new setting on my spam filter
>which had the undesirable effect of blocking email from the vortex list.
>I have now read your Aug. 19 post in the vortex archives on the meaning of
>neutral mass. 
>Grimer wrote:
>> At 12:47 pm 24/08/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>>> Michael Huffman wrote:
>>>> Grimer wrote:
>>>>> You could have added Casimir pressure for good measure.   8-)
>>>>> My preferred term is Beta-atmosphere since I find the analogy
>>>>> with atmospheric pressure useful - and it arises naturally if
>>>>> one starts one's analysis with sands and clays which are held
>>>>> together by Alpha-atmospheric pressure in the case of coarse
>>>>> sands (pF < 15 psi) and Beta-atmospheric pressure in the case
>>>>> of clays, say. (pF > 15 psi).
>>>> Moin Frank,
>>>> So, you are basically changing the baseline for pressure to 15psi, but
>>>> you do still agree with the majority of the scientific community, that
>>>> all pressure is positive with relation to no pressure, and that there is
>>>> no such thing as negative pressure with relation to no pressure.
>>>> Knuke
>>> Assuming negative pressure is possible, what would that imply?
>>> Harry
>> It would imply you are working from the wrong datum for zero
>> pressure - something analogous to working from the wrong
>> datum for the motion of the sun and planets or the wrong datum
>> for temperature. 
>The same criticism could apply to your notions of
>negative and positive mass.

Absolutely  8-). You are so right.   8-)

I am using a conventional datum cos there is only so much
cognitive dissonance that people can cope with at one sitting.

As I have pointed out in a previous post, both Ing.Saviour and 
I have independently realised that mass has the dimensions of
an inverse velocity so when mass goes to infinity the mass 
"temperature" drops to zero. The velocity of light it the correct
datum for measuring the inverse of mass (which is an internal 
velocity just like temperature but on a finer scale).

I am in the process of copying the internal BRS note which deals 
with this aspect from Saviour's blazelabs Yahoo site to the 
Beta-atmosphere Yahoo site where you will soon be able to 
read it.



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