Cow farts.... the 3rd largest source of methane release on the planet.

Cow-talitic converters?

But everyone here realizes, (right?), that biological emissions of such gasses do not contribute to global warming, because the carbon emitted from a biologic, into the environment, was carbon which was recently pulled by the biologic, from the environment. In other words, there is no net increase in greenhouse gasses due to biological life. The problem, (if there is a problem, and I'm not sure there is), occurs when carbon, which has been stored deep within the earth for eons, is now pulled from the ground and emitted into the environment, causing an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This would be the only cause of additional greehnouse gasses in the atmosphere -- not biological life.

And, the only way to stop it, is to stop pulling carbon from the ground. It doesn't help to slow down the process, or reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars. As long as carbon is pulled from places where it has not been a part of the environment, into the environment, there will be a gradual increase in CO2 in the atmosphere.

Craig Haynie (Houston)

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