At 03:33 PM 9/17/2005, John Coviello wrote:
Let's get beyond all this back and forth about the papers.  .....
 [demands, threats, harassment, whining removed to improve bandwidth]

Mr. Coviello:

   Despite your sudden upsurge of very childish demanding,
I posted what was necessary to obtain the preprints to our papers at this time.

   Exactly what part of 'individual rights' do you not understand?
[Coincidentally, today is the 218th Anniversary of the US Constitution, BTW.]

   Exactly what part of 'private email' did you not understand?

   Clearly, unfortunately, you appear unable to follow directions.

As stated before: "(A)s in the past, any serious scientist/researcher/student on vortex
 who wants a copy of our papers  need only send me a private email.
 Some of these papers are available on pdf, and for the next week or so
 I will accommodate these requests."

        Dr. Mitchell Swartz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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