Third trombe paper. More details on the trombe and siphon systems being designed by the Engineering Department at Lancaster University.

Their doing excellent wave power work. I've studied several hundred wave power systems the frog looks good.
A good history of the wave power work is on their site.

The 1970's Lancaster Flexible Bag was a very good power technology but I happen to know that someone in the British Department of Energy rewrote a positive Scientific Review Summery to make it negative. By the time the sabotage was detected the men responsible were representing British nuclear fuels in the Caribbean. Funny thing was the Caribbeans had no nuclear power systems! But it also lacked extradition treaties. ;-) If you send somthing to a govenment department that has skeptics in it make sure you hand a hard copy to the minister not a departmental lacky. Word and PDF files can be made to say anything with a few hours of editing. My source for the story was 1980's Habatat magazine. Then one of the better environment journals.

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