Recent statements from goering:

(Content edited because if found it sickening to read. Even my own sarcastic 
retorts couldn't stomach any more of this.)


> I might mention again that a second, much faster,
> perhaps even more desirable, means of achieving the
> goal, is by deliberately spreading a deadly disease;
> one, say, with a mortality of 95 percent. I suspect
> that this art also is much further developed than we
> know about, and by more governments.
> My guess is that by using this method it is also
> *much* easier to target specific races: slanty eyes,
> or dark skin, or some obscure gene that marks you out.
> > This is a page right out of hardcore Nazism.
> Nazi, Schmazi: a tired, overworked cliche to pin on
> anybody who differs just a little too much from your
> opinions about anything.
> Something drastic must be done soon, or we will be
> living in a termatary, with or without cold fusion.

Mr. Rothewell,

I do not believe Mr. Goering is joking.

Mr. Beaty,

I try my best to be tolerant of the opinions of others, especially when I do 
not agree with their views. However, in this case, it is my personal opinion 
that this extremist be immediately banned from expressing any more of his 
personal views within the Vortex discussion group.

He is not a contributor. He is preaching a philosoophy of the Ultimate Solution.

I'm sure there are other nazi-like discussion groups where Goering can preach 
all the fanaticism he wants to the converted. He probablly already does, and 
decided to spread his wings a little.

Time to get them clipped.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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